Study shows kids need `imagineization` through bedtime stories

Released on: December 23, 2007, 12:45 pm

Press Release Author: Rod Jellison

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: Rod Jellison says \"the department for children, schools and
families did a study on just that very thing and what did they find out?

The study looked at Parental involvement in the development of children's reading
skills and if storybook reading and informal teaching of letters and sounds by
parents increased \"imagineization\" and had an effect on children\'s progress from
ages 4 to 9.

Press Release Body: Rod Jellison says \"the department for children, schools and
did a study on just that very thing and what did they find out?

The study looked at Parental involvement in the development of children's reading
skills and if storybook reading and informal teaching of letters and sounds by
parents increased \"imagineization\" and had an effect on children\'s progress from
ages 4 to 9.

The study found that both of these parental activities had a direct and an indirect
contribution to their children becoming fluent readers.

More specifically, reading storybooks with parents helped to develop oral language
skills and consequently reading skills and stimulate the imagination.

The study suggests that it is important for parents to continue to read to their
child, and also that parental involvement is even more important when their children
are at risk of failure because of social,economic or cognitive difficulties.

Jellison says with twelve grandchildren of his own, he recognizes the importance of
developing and encouraging the imagineization in kids and that\'s why he put together
a set of stories and songs that he calls the \"Kids Imagineization Pak.\"

He says,\"If parents only knew how vital it is to have their kids develop their
imagination through stories, instead of watching TV.

Also how important it is for the child\'s development to have that sharing time with
a parent spending time, several times each week, reading the stories with them to
help create our future leaders...then they should realize that they must do this.\"

For more info about this \"kids Imagineization Pak\" you can go to his website at

Web Site: http://

Contact Details: 22-1560 Prince St.
Port Moody, B.C. V3H 3W8

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